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  • Scary Scammers

    There are some very unscrupulous people in cyberland preying on folks who may be looking for guidance and support in their lives. They pose as healers, Tarot readers and psychics from legitimate practices, sending messages, emails and in some cases letters, offering immediate services with instructions for how to pay their fee. They are stealing the identity and tarnishing the reputation of caring professionals. Their services are bogus, but the fee is not—once paid, the victim’s money is lost. These scammers use language to entice, flatter and frighten folks into giving them money, such as “I’ve read your energy and have an important message for you”, “Today only, the price is ____”, or “contact me to find out how to remove your curse”. Although these statements alone stand as red flags, for someone experiencing a vulnerable time, they may feel like a life-line. Please know that I—along with all other legitimate professionals—would never solicit clients in this manner. My practice and my website are safe and welcoming spaces for folks seeking compassionate support on their journey. The offerings of Healing Path Studio are presented as guidance and healing to those who resonate with them. Always feel free to reach out to me directly via email if you have any questions about my products or services. Together in Wellness, Torie

  • Energy Enlightenment

    At the very core of our life experience are our chakras—our own personal energy centers that influence the way we feel, think and communicate in the world. The 7 major chakras each correspond to specific functions and organs, affecting every aspect of our well-being. They are portal points connecting our non-physical body to our physical body, and allow us to assess areas that may need help. When our chakras are open and balanced our energy flows freely, allowing us to feel easeful in our lives—emotionally, mentally and physically. But sometimes the chakras can become blocked or unbalanced due to stress, injury or illness, interrupting the energy flow and causing us to feel dis-ease in one or more of these areas. The Chakra Awareness Tarot Reading offers insight to your own chakra system, revealing specific strengths and vulnerabilities of each energy center to show where balancing or un-blocking of the chakras may be helpful in your path forward. The reading offers an understanding of how an imbalance may be showing up in your life, and guidance to the path of healing. If this empowering reading calls to you, check it out here Chakra Awareness Reading and I’ll be honored to meet you on the healing path. Wishing you a wonderful journey. Torie

  • Tap into Calm

    Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is self-administered acupressure combined with cognitive and behavioral therapy. It’s a powerful stress relief technique done by tapping on the meridian points—or energy centers—used in acupressure with your fingertips, while stating aloud the emotion you want to release (anxiety, anger, fear, hurt, overwhelm...), followed by an affirmation. Tapping on these meridian points while you speak aloud the cause of your stress validates the feeling, while letting your body understand that you are not in any physical danger—releasing the fight or flight response the body naturally uses in times of stress. The body receives the signal that it is safe to relax which reduces cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. Tapping is a quick and effective technique you can do at any time to produce a feeling of calm and empowerment. As Tapping allows the body to release negative emotions it restores healthy energy flow, and can enable healing on all levels—body, mind and spirit. To begin, compose a setup statement to acknowledge the emotion you want to release, beginning with the words “even though”, then follow with a phrase of acceptance. Speaking these phrases aloud while tapping helps neutralize judgements you have about how you feel, and allows you to know you are safe. Here are some examples: Setup Statement: “Even though I feel anxious about the day ahead.” “Even though I am afraid of speaking in public.” “Even though I am overwhelmed with my kids today.” “Even though I am hurt by what my partner said.” “Even though I am angry for not getting the promotion.” Affirmation: “I love and accept myself.” The Tapping Steps: 1. Using 2 fingers, tap lightly on the outside edge of your opposite hand several times while speaking the Setup Statement and the Affirmation. Continue to lightly tap several times on meridian points #2 - 8, while stating the feelings that come up around the stress you want to release in any words you choose. 2. Inner point of either eyebrow, on the bone. 3. Side of either eye, on the bone. 4. Under either eye, on the bone. 5. Under nose. 6. Under lip. 7. Under collarbone, either side. 8. Under opposite arm, about a palm’s width down from armpit. Finish the sequence on meridian point #9 while repeating the Setup Statement and the Affirmation. 9. Top of head You’ll likely notice a calming following this first round, but you can continue steps 2-9 as many times as you need to feel easeful. Check out the video below to see Tapping in action, and consider using this amazingly simple and powerful technique to relieve stress in your life. Happy Tapping! Together in Wellness, Torie

  • Sunshine for the Soul

    Dandelion, that prolific little plant often considered a blemish on a lawn, actually plays a major role in the livelihood of our ecosystem, providing essential food for bees and other pollinating insects, as well as aerating and infusing minerals into the soil. You may have noticed how she shows up mainly where the soil is in need of a little healing, as she’s always ready to help. Dandelion also offers many health benefits to humans too, in the nutritional content found in all parts of the plant, and in the nurturing capability of her flower essence. Flower essences are infusions of a flower’s unique energy that, when used in drops on the tongue, stirred into a beverage or massaged into pulse points, brings that energy into our bodies. As we use a flower essence, we begin to resonate in harmony with the qualities of the flower, so limitations and disharmonies begin to lift, restoring our mood, energy and overall health. Flower essences offer subtle, yet powerful medicine. This time of year, as we’re awaiting the warmth of summer, many of us are feeling a bit stuck in the winter doldrums, with fatigue, lethargy, and lack of focus being common concerns. Dandelion Flower Essence can offer relief by helping us to feel more grounded, easeful and energetic in this transition season, like taking a few drops of internal sunshine. Click the link to experience the healing energy of Dandelion, or to learn more about flower essences in the Healing Path Studio Apothecary. Wishing you well on your journey, Torie

  • Tarothapy

    Tarothapy - the process of working with Tarot cards to access heightened inner awareness, spiritual connection, and revelation of guiding messages to inform and empower your life. The word “Tarothapy” is my own creation to describe a Tarot reading. It infers a correlation with the word “therapy”—a pathway to healing—which beautifully describes the Tarot in its ability to help us understand, make a plan, and navigate through many of life’s dilemmas. When we consult the Tarot for an answer to a question or clarification of a situation, the cards serve as a mirror to our subconscious mind, allowing access to our own inner wisdom to enlighten the best path forward. If you’re pondering over a sticky situation, trying to make the best decision, or would just like some clarity in your life right now, check out the Tarot readings of Healing Path Studio. I offer readings for addressing specific issues, or for enlightening your life’s path at the moment. Should any of the readings call to you, I’ll be honored to meet you on the Healing Path. Wishing you love and light on your journey. Torie

  • Calming for Cats and Canines

    Serenity Blend Flower Essence, with its gentle, deeply calming effect for symptoms of stress and anxiety in humans, is also safe and effective for our furry friends. Many of us have experienced a rescue dog or cat that has had trouble settling into a new home environment and/or adjusting to the presence of other pets in the home due to fear or anxiety. Their coping behaviors such as hiding, aggressiveness, and destructiveness will often ease with loving attention and time, but Serenity Blend Flower Essence can be a powerful ally in relieving their stress and related behavior. As with humans, Serenity Blend Flower Essence can be administered by drops in the mouth, mixed in water or applied to the body. My favorite technique—in my multiple cat household—is to mix essence drops with water in a spray bottle that I mist on my hand just before petting the cat on their favorite spot. I’ve found that twice a day application shows improvement within a couple of weeks, with continued use very beneficial for controlling symptoms in pets who are naturally prone to anxiousness. Serenity Blend Flower Essence contains no plant matter, only the calming energy infused from the flowers, so is completely safe for people of all ages as well as pets. For more information about Serenity Blend Flower Essence visit the Healing Path Studio apothecary page, or feel free to contact me in the email form below with any questions you may have. Together in Wellness, Torie

  • Magical Twosday

    Today’s repeating twos—known as an “angel number” represent connection, alignment, intuition and teamwork, making this a perfect day to: Make a wish Set an intention Book a Tarot reading Enjoy the magical energy of the day! Blessings, Torie

  • Remarkable Reiki

    Are you seeking relief from stress, anxiety or pain? Or maybe you’d like to feel more focused, centered or optimistic in your life? And perhaps you’ve been wondering if there’s a safe, gentle and non-invasive method to support these feelings of wellness? Let me tell you a bit about Reiki energy healing—it may be just what you’re looking for. Everything we experience is affected by the flow of energy through our bodies, which is regulated by our internal energy centers called chakras. When these chakras are aligned and open, energy flows effortlessly through our bodies, allowing us to feel easeful in going about our lives. But when we experience times of stress, injury or illness, the chakras become unbalanced or blocked, interrupting the energy flow and causing us to feel dis-ease. Reiki is an ancient healing technique of energy alignment, performed by a trained Reiki practitioner. During a Reiki session, the practitioner uses gentle hand movements over the body or across the miles, channeling healthy energy through the chakras to realign and unblock the energy flow. This realignment then radiates outward to balance the body at emotional, mental and physical levels, increasing feelings of relaxation and wellness for body, mind and spirit. Reiki allows the body to heal from within, and can effectively support a wide range of physical and emotional health benefits, including lowered anxiety, better sleep, improved mood, lowered blood pressure, strengthened immune system, heightened focus, pain relief and a feeling of well-being. Reiki connects on our spiritual and energetic levels, so is not limited by physical distance. This healing method can be effective with an in person session or from miles away. As a certified Reiki Master, I’m honored to offer both in person and distance Reiki sessions for you. Click here to book an appointment or contact me with any questions you may have. Together in Wellness, Torie

  • The Magic Trees

    Just outside my back door live two beautiful trees side by side. A majestic Black Cherry with a wide sturdy trunk, and a lovely Hawthorn whose thorny body rises from the earth in triplicate. Black Cherry seems to stand as grandfather to Hawthorn, and both as sentries to my home. When I first came here, these trees were a stark contrast to the surrounding landscape, rising so beautifully from a sea of brambles and the junk pile someone had created at their feet, they offered a sign of hope. I remember feeling such warmth when I first saw them—their branches spread in greeting seemed to say “welcome home”. I had come to this place during a rather challenging time of my life, feeling sick, broken, and lost; but as I spent the many hours clearing debris from around these beautiful beings, I could feel healing begin. Whenever I was in their presence, it was like being held in loving arms, and it was there beneath their branches that I created my first garden. I planted an array of shade loving species all around the trees—a bed of beauty to adorn them in thanks for their existence. One day during the project, I came across a beautiful stone in shades of gray and pink that beckoned me to slip it into my pocket. The stone turned out to be Rhodonite. As I read about the properties of this pretty little rock, my heart swelled with delight, as it seemed the trees were offering yet another bit of medicine for my soul. I found that Rhodonite is considered an emotional healer, providing loving support during the process of dealing with painful issues. It was during the springtime blooming of Black Cherry and Hawthorn that I began to study flower essences, and came to realize the magnitude of the gifts I’d been given by these two trees. Black Cherry’s long spears of dainty white flowers, and Hawthorn’s intricate blooms of white with striking centers are much more than beautiful, they are also potent healers. As I sat with these flowers, their essences seemed to speak aloud to me: Black Cherry’s message - I can help bring new enthusiasm into your life by opening your heart to joy, optimism and inspiration, releasing creative flow and helping you see new possibilities. Hawthorn’s message - I can help ease emotional pain and trauma, inviting a sense of hope, trust, forgiveness and love. I inspire resilience of the heart energetically and physically, letting you feel safely cradled in love. These two flower essences have become cherished favorites of mine. When I first moved to this little piece of land I felt a kinship with its need for care and healing, and believed I had been brought here to help it feel alive again. As time went on however, I came to understand that the tending was reciprocal. The beings of this place have led me to healing paths that mend me in body, mind and spirit, with Black Cherry and Hawthorn standing together as the magical portal. If the healing power of Black Cherry or Hawthorn call to you too, their flower essence offerings are available in the Healing Path Apothecary. Wishing you much joy on your journey! Torie

  • Are You Tarot-Curious?

    Are you intrigued with the idea of a Tarot reading, but would like to understand more about it before you dive in? Then, this is for you! I’m often asked “what is Tarot and how does it work?”. I had the same questions when I first discovered Tarot, and here is a concise version of the answers I’ve found. A spur of the moment decision led me to my very first Tarot reading. I’d heard of a woman that did readings, and thinking it sounded like fun, I went in with the expectation of having my “fortune told”. What I came away with was an entirely new sense of how I might more effectively shape my life. It was an enlightening, exciting and empowering experience. This began my study of Tarot, and a path of healing that is now part of my daily routine. The revelations and guidance I’ve found in Tarot have been powerfully transformative in my life, opening new pathways to connection with Spirit, allowing deeper access to my intuition, empowering my journey and presenting a means for me to help others light their way. What are Tarot cards? A deck of Tarot cards is a tool for divination—a means to gain insight and inspiration from the universal energy that flows through and connects us all. Each of the 78 cards in a Tarot deck contains its own unique imagery and symbolism that represent a life situation, experience, personality, emotion, thought pattern, desire or need—making the deck rather like a picture book of life. When we consult the Tarot for an answer to a question or clarification of a situation, the cards serve as a mirror to our subconscious mind, allowing access to our own inner wisdom. The messages revealed by the cards offer clarity for making choices, self-development, manifesting goals, and empowering our lives. How does a Tarot reading work? It’s all about energy. Absolutely everything in this world and beyond emits its own energy—people, places, things, thoughts and Tarot cards, for example. A Tarot reader interprets the energy of the cards that are drawn and their alignment with the energy of the querent, whether that be themselves or a client. So, it’s easy to see how a reader could access their own energy for a reading, but how do they connect to the energy of someone they’re reading for, especially if the person is far away? All energy is connected in a universal consciousness. When asked to do a reading, a reader is given permission to access the querent’s own personal energy. This allows the reader to tap into that energy through the collective, and interpret the cards as they apply to the specific energy of the querent. The process is intuitive, spiritual, magical and very powerful. How do I ask a question of the Tarot? Tarot is a tool to help you create the future you want by indicating paths to your goal, and pitfalls to avoid along the way. Asking questions in the right way, openly and honestly, will allow deeper revelations from the Tarot. The best questions are open-ended, beginning with words like ‘what’, ‘where’, or ‘how’. Starting with these specific words creates the type of question that has enough depth to provide you with an insightful, guiding answer. Avoid questions that begin with ‘should’, ‘will’ or ‘when’. These are closed-ended questions, which offer limited insight, as they imply future happenings, when the future has not yet been created. What you really want to know is how to create the future you desire, and the right questions provide empowering answers. Keep the questions focused on yourself. If you’re looking for answers about a relationship with another person, the Tarot can address your participation in that relationship, as well as give insight to the energy of the other person and how it melds with yours, but the reading is for your own personal guidance. Well formed questions create a connection to your subconscious mind, allowing access to the answers of your own inner wisdom, and giving you the ability to bring those answers into conscious awareness where you can then take action. Here are some examples: Ask “what steps can I take to land a job I desire?”, instead of “why can’t I find a job?” Ask “where are my strengths and weaknesses in attracting money?”, instead of “when will I win the lottery?” Ask “how can I invite love into my life?”, instead of “when will I meet my soul mate?” Ask “what are the energies surrounding my idea of a new business?”, instead of “should I start a new business?” You may already consciously know the message or insight you receive in a Tarot reading, in which case, the reading can be supportive confirmation. Or, you might be completely unaware of the message until you see it reflected in the cards, in which case you are now empowered to take action based on your new awareness. I hope this gives you a better understanding of what Tarot is and how the Tarot works. I’d also be happy to answer any other questions you may have—just drop me an email. If you’d like to tap into guidance for your own path, I invite you to check out the readings I offer at Healing Path Studio Tarot. I would be honored to read for you. Blessings, Torie p.s. - See what others have to say about my readings!

  • Forget Me Not

    When I first came to the place I now call home, I was doubtful that it was right for me. The house was ramshackle, the property overgrown, and everything clearly in need of much work, but somehow it all felt beckoning at the same time. As I toured the little house, noting more cons than pros, I stepped into the smaller of the two bedrooms and everything shifted. I immediately felt the presence of my grandfather envelop me in a loving embrace—I even smelled his pipe—and knew I was meant to be here. Indeed, over the years, this little spot has offered me comfort, joy and healing in uncountable ways. One of the first flowers here that called me to make an essence was Forget Me Not. Drawn to her tiny sweet face in such a lovely shade of blue, with her bright yellow “eye”, I could feel my heart expanding. As I sat with her, the comforting presence of my grandfather again enveloped me with a knowing that I was on the right path. Forget Me Not flower essence allows me to experience that gentle embrace at any time. She is always a balm to my spirit, bringing insight and calm, just like being wrapped in Grandfather’s loving arms with his wisdom whispering in my ear. Together in Wellness, Torie

  • When We Heal Ourselves, We Heal the World

    A catch phrase, but also quite true. Our world, and each being within it, is in the process of healing from the ravages of a global pandemic. Wounded by a myriad of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dis-ease, we now bask in the restorative light of hope at the end of a very dark tunnel. We feel the warmth of being reunited with family and friends, the freedom of enjoying activities that had been put on hold, and a lightness of the heart with new dreams for the future. As each of us begins to mend, an inner illumination starts to grow, radiating out to everything around us in a butterfly effect of healing. Each step we take on the healing path is a step toward manifesting a more inclusive and compassionate world. Whenever we nurture the spirit, take time for self care, practice forgiveness, kindness and gratitude, we share these healing energies with others. I believe the past year, as difficult as it was, allowed us to feel ever more deeply that we are all connected, and are, indeed, walking each other home. Together in Wellness, Torie P.S. Healing Path Studio offers several modalities of support for your journey. If something there calls to you, I’d be honored to meet you on the healing path.

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