Happy New Year everyone! We’re just getting started in 2023, with a new moon in Aquarius Saturday night, and a celebration of the lunar new year, it seems all signs are pointing to big opportunities ahead. Now is a great time for deciding what we need to let go of in our lives, focusing our intentions on the things we want to bring in, and setting those manifestations in motion. I truly believe that this coming year holds beautiful possibilities for us all.
For me, 2023 is definitely a new beginning. At the end of this month, I’ll be leaving the job I’ve held for the past 23 years to devote myself fulltime to Healing Path Studio. The energy healing work that I do has always been my passion, and I’m so excited to be exploring new ways to offer more.
I’m looking forward to creating more art, expanding awareness of flower essence healing, offering in-person Tarot readings, and increasing time slots for Reiki sessions. Also—in response to many of you who have asked—I’m creating class outlines to teach Reiki at all levels, beginning later this year. I’ll keep you posted as plans are solidified.
What’s in your dreams for this year? What would you like to let go of? What would you like to bring in? Envision the life that would bring you peace, joy, and healing, and most importantly believe it is already yours.
If you feel called, a Tarot reading https://www.healingpathstudio.com/tarot can offer wonderful support and guidance for the year ahead, a Reiki session https://www.healingpathstudio.com/reiki can bring beautiful balance and insight, and flower essences https://www.healingpathstudio.com/apothecary offer an array of harmonizing energies.
Feel free to reach out for more information on any of my offerings at HealingPathStudio@gmail.com. I’d be honored to meet you on the healing path.