The first New Moon of 2025 will appear on January 29th. A traditionally supportive time for new beginnings, this New Moon is in Aquarius, signifying extra potent energy for innovative ideas and actions. As we step into this auspicious time for trying something new and setting intentions for the year ahead, beginning or reviving a practice of mindfulness can offer powerful support for moving forward with clarity, empowerment, and healing.
Mindfulness is a term that’s relatively new to some, but is a technique that’s been practiced for millennia around the globe for attaining balance, calm and stress relief. We could think of it as the antidote to mind fullness.
When our minds are filled with the challenges of daily life, our thoughts tend to focus planning for the future—what may become, or on happenings of the past—what might have been, instead of the present moment—what actually is. The cacophony of thoughts that naturally come to us each day can cause stress, anxiety, depression, or even physical symptoms to appear.
Practicing mindfulness helps us direct our attention fully to what is happening in the here and now, allowing thoughts about the past or anxieties about the future to fall away. It's about being fully engaged and present in the current experience which calms the mind, soothes the emotions and creates a sense of overall wellbeing. Mindfulness is an invitation to healing for every level of our existence—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically—and encompasses several methods.
Mindfulness in meditation. Meditation is a powerful practice for mindfulness—sitting in quiet stillness while focusing on the breath helps us let go of physical world concerns and enter a state of calm, inspiration, and wellness. Even just a few minutes a day spent in meditation helps the body relax, clears the mind, settles the emotions, and opens us to deeply guiding insights.
Mindfulness in the moment. For some folks the idea of sitting still in meditation feels uncomfortable or just plain boring, but we can also experience the benefits of mindfulness by turning everyday activities into meditative practice. In directing our attention fully to the moment at hand, and appreciating each aspect it offers, we focus our thoughts on positivity and create a feeling of ease in our lives.
1. While taking a walk, focus on the sensation of each step, the refreshing air coming into your body, the colors and textures in the surroundings.
2. While bathing, concentrate on appreciation for the warm, soothing water, the scent of the soap, the sense of renewal cleansing brings.
3. While having a meal, be thankful for the gift of nourishment, noticing the texture and taste of each morsel that supports your body.
4. While folding laundry, enjoy the fresh, clean smell of the pieces of cloth, and think of the benefits each one brings to your life.
5. While cleaning your home, focus on gratitude for having a warm, safe place to live. Notice how each room and every item make your life more enjoyable.
Mindfulness in self-expression. We can also experience a state of mindfulness by engaging in activities that express and support our inner spirit.
1. Creativity is a powerful act of self-expression and mindfulness. Immersing in the creative process of artwork, crafting, writing, cooking, building, gardening—or any creative endeavor—demands focus on the process, bringing full attention to the now.
2. Journaling provides a space for focused reflection, self-awareness, and non-judgmental observation of our thoughts and emotions. It encourages a deeper understanding of ourselves and the present moment, fostering a more mindful approach to daily life.
3. Body movement in any form—exercise, dance, sports, yoga, tai chi, etc.—helps us focus on the self-expression of the moment, while clearing the mind, reducing stress, and supporting the body’s overall health.
4. Breathing exercises—like a few deep, abdominal breaths in through the nose, then releasing gently through the mouth—holds focus on our breath and helps to regulate the nervous system by encouraging the body to relax.
5. Creating affirmations to repeat during the day, or using notes on the fridge, offers mindful moments of positivity, self-compassion, and acceptance. Phrases like “I am worthy”, “I am loved”, “I am capable”, or “I deserve happiness” offer potent support for our mental and emotional wellbeing.
Practicing mindfulness allows us to live more fully, experience greater happiness, reduce the negative impact of stress and anxiety, and promote healing on all levels. It empowers us to appreciate the beauty and richness of life, fostering stronger relationships, increased self-awareness, and a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment. Mindfulness creates a calming balance that increases our capacity for empathy and compassion, making the journey more easeful for ourselves and those around us too. A few moments of mindfulness a day can enrich a lifetime.
If you’re feeling the need of a bit of extra support on your journey, the offerings of Healing Path Studio—Reiki energy healing, Tarot readings, and Flower Essences—await you in a safe, supportive space, and I’d be honored to meet you on the healing path.
Wishing everyone a peaceful and empowered year ahead.
Together in Wellness,
